Getting Back on Track

When I start with a new coaching client the first step is to find out where the person is emotionally and mentally. Why? We cannot make progress unless the right mental state exists. If the person is caught in the “blame game,” negative thought processes or “excuses,” it makes no sense to move forward. Life can be brutal but it’s been my experience that with the right mindframe we can overcome almost anything. I have current clients who have overcome home foreclosure, divorce, illness, deaths of friends and loved ones, and financial ruin. My first step is to get the client to move into a frame of mind that allows for new possibilities.

This blog is devoted to helping people to overcome their obstacles and more importantly to reach a state of mind that creates inner peace and contentment which is a far more permanent state than happiness. Every week I will post articles I have written in the hope that people will find something that can inspire them to reach the place in life they desire. Your comments and inspirational stores are welcome! Since many of my clients are sales professionals, I will also be giving sales advice! Together we all make a difference!