Mastermind Your Success!

The tendency for most people is to “go it alone.” Whether in our job, goals or dreams, whatever we want to accomplish we feel as “if it is to be, it’s up to me.” That statement is true if you are making the decision to pursue a new course in life in that the decision is certainly up to you. But if you want to truly accelerate your goals and dreams, you need to “mastermind” your road to success. What do I mean by “mastermind?”

Each of us know people who are experts in their field. I am not good an “handyman work” around the house. For me to fix a door or paint the garage floor will always turn into a disaster unless I get “mastermind” advice from the guy at the hardware store! He gives me solid information and I avoid the pitfalls in the project. It should be the same in everything we want to accomplish. Do you have a mastermind group? Think of a mastermind group as your board of directors for anything you want to accomplish. Let’s talk about the different kind of masterminds you can enlist to reach your goals and dreams at light speed!

  • Internet mastermind- I admit it, I get confused by “HTML code,” “Google Adwords,” “landing pages,” and “search engine optimization.” I wanted to start a blog six months ago and tried to “do it on my own.” Hours and days later I had it up and running but it was mediocre at best. Shame on me for not using my mastermind, John Delaney my webmaster. He called me about blogs, I told him about my efforts and in a day he had me set up and running with a great masthead and wonderful advice on what I needed to be doing. You are currently reading the results of John’s efforts. I won’t make that mistake again. Need a tech guy? Email John at, he is your tech mastermind!
  • Marketing mastermind- One of my early mistakes in business really hurt. I was great at sales and consider myself a mastermind in this area, but marketing was foreign to me. I thought I knew but in reality I did not. Where do you go to find a marketing mastermind? It was the early days of the Internet so little was available even through Internet searches. I was fortunate enough to stumble on to a guy named Gary Halbert. Now I have never meant Gary but he is without a doubt the best marketing mind in the universe. Gary has since passed on but his knowledge was invaluable. Through Gary I was able to become a marketing mastermind.
  • Sales mastermind- This was an area where I felt like I truly excelled and my many clients would agree. I have been able to help major corporations down to one man companies in this area. I have never stopped learning about sales and every day I discover something new. If you are a true mastermnd in an area, you are a life long learner.
  • Mastermind coordinator- You’ve probably never heard of this one! This is the person who helps you in every area of your life from finding the dream job to balancing your personal life. Some people call this person a “life coach.” I have a professional coaching service and we coach everyone from new sales people to NFL coaches. I feel my job is to be the mastermind coordinator because I have so many contacts and resources. The greatest athletes in the world all have one thing in common other than rare talent and a passion to win, they all have coaches. The best realize that without coaches they will never reach their full potential
  • Organizational mastermind- This one is key. Most people never reach their dreams and goals due to an extreme lack of understanding priorities. They allow “stuff” to rule their day. Usually the first step I have to take with clients is to get them focused. Do an “organizational assessment. Are you capable of organizing the steps to reach the top? If not, find your mastermind.

Here is a great exercise for you to do right now! Make a list of people you know who are masterminds in various areas such as marketing, computers, websites, sales and organization. Call each one and ask if you can form a mentorship, an exchange of expertise where you help each other succeed. This is an important task and key to your success. Here is the formula for success:

Great minds + great passion + great action = great results. Got your homework assignment? Go conquer the world!

Ken Taylor is known nationally as “America’s Corporate & Personal Coach.” His company has trained thousands of professionals in sales, sales management and leadership. He is a professional coach to some of America’s top sales professionals, executives, NFL and college coaches as well as NFL players. He has written over 900 articles for publication. Ken can be contacted at Visit his website at or call at 904-280-3060.